Saturday, November 28, 2009

Should I text him to say hi??

So, basically me and this guy have been "dating" for almost 3 months, but we've kept it highly casual. But we knew we weren't going to date others. Well, Saturday we hung out and things went pretty far. Now, he's a ghost, hasn't called, hasn't text, didn't respond to my text. When I looked on his myspace page today his ex-girlfriend wrote, "It's been great hanging out with you this past week." --I know they have remained friends, so it there is a chance that it wasn't a romantic thing..however...errr. So, should I forget about it and think he doesn't like me anymore, or should I try one more time and send a casual text message just to say hi? Perhaps he's busy with work??

Should I text him to say hi??

Nobody's ever too busy to return a lousy text message. I say dump him and get on with your life. I know it will hurt initially to know that he was only after some action but you'll be better at screening guys the next time it happens. Don't send him another text nor call/email him. When he does try to contact you, be unavailable. Do not play his game, your time is too precious to waste it on such a loser.

Should I text him to say hi??

Not true, some people are very busy and can't answer text msgs. Report It

Should I text him to say hi??

forget about it. let him make the next move

Should I text him to say hi??

he got what he wanted and gave it up too fast girl

Should I text him to say hi??

Yes, you should text him.

Should I text him to say hi??

No no no if he's too busy with work that's not the guy you want anyways ... I'd say he's playing "hard-to-get" which should be the girls job, but hey, some people work in strange ways.

Should I text him to say hi??

Yeah, forget about him... A guy is *never* too busy to let a girl know he's interested - if he truly is. Sorry, it sounds he's just not interested enough.

Should I text him to say hi??

It may be hard but I think you should just be straight up with him. Ask him what is going on, and why you have not heard from him. No need trying to guess at it find out

Should I text him to say hi??

Maybe he got what he wanted from you and is done. You should try sending him a message on myspace and a text message and ask him why he hasn't been responding etc and if he doesn't text, call or whatever just forget about him.

Should I text him to say hi??

No. There is no excuse for someone not returning a phone call or text, unless they somehow forgot to. These things don't take two days, just a few seconds. From a guy: you should forget about him and move on. He'll make a step if he wants to.

Should I text him to say hi??

give it another day if nothing than just leave it alone!!!!

Should I text him to say hi??

might as well text him. if it IS over then a text cant make things worse

Should I text him to say hi??

you could try again but keep an eye on him

Should I text him to say hi??

you sould call him and say what is the deal do u like me or what if he says that he does and ur still not convinced look him in the eye and ask him or you can kiss him and see if it still fells the same way if it dosent forget about him and move on well e-mail me and tell me how this worked

Should I text him to say hi??

yes u should. and ask him what he has been doing lately. check his tone if hes nervous then he is cheating on u.

Should I text him to say hi??

you sound young. there's better guys out there, who have time for you. About him being friends with his ex, thats code for him still tapping that you know what or has feelings

Should I text him to say hi??

you should text him

Should I text him to say hi??

Well if this was me I would try and talk to him once more you do have a right to know whats going on since you have been dating him for 3 months, but it sounds like hes a jerk for not calling you and if hes still talking to her ex even as a friend is not right, the whole ex thing and trying to be friends after if tough because no matter if they are dating or just trying to be friends there are always feelings for one another, trust me I've been there plenty of times, and what i have learned that you can be friends with your ex after time, but chances are that they did hook up its easy to do if you dated that person for awhile, so my advice for you is try and talk to him once more and ask him where the two of you stand but be prepared for bad or good news he might not say what you want him to say, and if he doesn't want to date you any more you deserve better and move on! GOOD LUCK

Should I text him to say hi??

don't text him.

Should I text him to say hi??

your answer is in your question. He has been busy with the ex for the passed week.

So I would say to just sit back and chill , and wait it out , and let him contact you .

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