I will be married 4 years in Dec. My husband travels all over the usa for his job. I just started going with him. When I used to stay at home I got our cell bill and he had used over 300 text messages and all of them to this girl that works with him.
Well, we got into it then when I brought it up and he said that she was just a friend that he talked to.
Well, time went by and that job was over with and he hadn't talk to her in months. Well, now I am here on this job with him and she just showed up here to work also. And now it starts again. They text message each other all the time I looked at his phone and I asked him about it. He got all upset and said they were friends. I know for a fact that she was messing with someones husband before. He goes on to the myspace website and looks at her pic. Not only that our sex life is down hill, like 2 times a month and that is it.
I want my husband back. I miss him. We are fine till she shows up. If I say something he gets all upset?
My husband is sending text?
That's not a good thing you're husband is doing......even if it wasn't text messages, like regular phone calls, that's WAY too much contact with the opposite sex when it's non-work related. Plus he's not banging you.
My recommendation is to be very suspicious of their interaction and if you get and opportunity, I would try and see what they are texting about. Normally, I wouldn't be in favor of checking a spouse's phone but there's enough circumstantial evidence to warrant it.
Good luck....hopefully while your husband is using his little texting toy with his 'friend', I hope you have your own 'toy' at home to relieve some of this unneeded stress generated by him. ;)
My husband is sending text?
sorry to tell you this but pretty much he has chosen her over you. Dont let yourself be fooled and you deserve better so leave him so he can be with her. I am sure she will break his heart like she has broken up marriages before. Love yourself my dear and move on to find the man that will appreciate you like you should be as a wife. good luck to you
My husband is sending text?
Get more upset than he does and tell him if he cannot remain committed to the marriage vow that he took with you to forsake all others, then he can kiss this marriage goodbye.
My husband is sending text?
she is NOT just a friend and something is going on or is about to. Ask him to stop texting her, simple as that. If he has to talk to her for work he can TALK to her, no texts...and no contact outside of work. You catch him again, I'd say buh-bye.
My husband is sending text?
Read this and share it with him - I don't have the link, it's from Hitched magazine:
Question: Why do I feel threatened by my partner's opposite-sex friends?
Answer: If your partner is enjoying the company of another person, and that person is someone of the opposite sex from your partner, the answer is pretty obvious: you're worried about your mate becoming sexually attracted to that person, and, well, you know what happens next....
It's quite common for a couple to struggle with the thorny issue of opposite-sex friends. Sometimes the problem arises from one partner refusing to let go of past boyfriends or girlfriends. Individuals who keep the old flames' phone numbers in their contact file believe it doesn't make sense to dispose of the friendship just because the romance fizzled out.
Some opposite-sex relationships spring from the workplace. In many job sites, including the military, men and women work side by side. When put into high-intensity situations, people bond. Some people, even if they're married, think that it's artificial to limit these positive work experiences to the office. They figure that if it feels good to be around their officemate during work, it should feel good spending time together after work as well.
Even though your mate sees lots of good reasons to foster these friendships, you have an even better reason not to: because it threatens your relationship.
You're concerned that if your partner has a friendship with a person today, it could grow into a love affair tomorrow. And you have every reason to be concerned.
The Warning Signs
When one individual shares intimacies with another of the opposite sex, they develop a familiarity that binds them closer together. This connection breeds feelings of "specialness" that leaves each with the sense that they have a unique understanding of each other -- one that other people can't appreciate. The big problem with this arrangement is that it excludes you and directs the energies that should be going into your relationship out toward other people.
Your mate may believe that opposite-sex friendships are harmless because his or her friend is married. But that's just dead wrong! Many friendships outside of marriage start as "just friends" and grow closer and more intimate. Because these friendships are so fresh, interesting and compelling, it's not long before the two people involved start to think they are more compatible than their own life partners. It's a small step from that realization to the development of a full-blown affair, and the destruction of a marriage.
Do you need to be concerned?
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Is the person someone whom your partner would consider "attractive"?
2. Are they spending time together outside of the office (even for office lunches) when other people are not around?
3. Has your partner excluded this "friend" from your life, either by nottelling you when they are meeting, refusing to introduce you, or going into another room to talk on the phone when you are nearby?
4. Does your partner tell you that he or she has the kind of relationship with this friend that you just couldn't understand?
A "yes" to question #1 and any of the other three questions means your partner's friendship may be a threat to your relationship.
If your mate is involved in a special relationship that makes you uncomfortable, don't ignore that feeling. You've got to ask for what you need -- for your mate to end further personal and exclusive friendships with people of the opposite sex.
Remember, your partner may not be intending to hurt you, and may honestly feel like there is nothing to worry about. You can help him or her understand your concerns; it may help to read this article together.
Finally, your partner may feel it's rude or unfair to the "friend" to end the exclusivity of the friendship. That may be right, but frankly, not taking action is rude and unfair to you. In all cases, the needs of your relationship outweigh the needs of a friend. After all, you should always be number one on your partner's buddy list.
Want to read more articles from Hitched? Check out hitchedmag.com
Scott Haltzman, Ph.D., is a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Brown University. He is the author of "The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever." He's online at DrScott.com.
My husband is sending text?
confront him directly: say "her or me".
Make him choose.
My husband is sending text?
The girl did not make a commitment to you - your husband did. You need to deal with him.
And you are not fine till she shows up - its still going on, you just aren't seeing it.
My husband is sending text?
well if you have a feelin that this is going to go down. instead of arguing at him tell you how you feel. then he has to take in consideration of your feeling. you made need a vaction.
My husband is sending text?
You aren't fine even BEFORE she shows up -- if you are only intimate a couple times a month, and if you sit around worrying about this other woman.
I suppose you could start by letting your husband know you want the marriage to work and would like to have more intimacy in your lives... ask him what you can do to make the marriage better?
If you continue to have issues over this woman, don't trust him, then perhaps consider marriage counseling -- ask him... even if he is not seeing this woman as you suspect, you have still developed trust issues which really need to be attended to... lack of trust isn't any fun to live with... i know
take care of YOU.
My husband is sending text?
basically, they should have no contact outside of work (no text, no my space messages, no nothing!) ... and as for my space... it's nothing but trouble for most married people... my husband and I don't use it... the only way to get your husband back is to basically cancel the text feature on the cell phones... yes, you won't be able to text anyone w/o being charged, but, what is more important, being able to text? or having your husband to yourself? I'd quit the my space, too... personally... and I'd quit the sex until he shaped up... a woman can't have sex w/ her husband knowing he's not giving her his 100 percet! good luck... we didn't purchase the ability to text on our cell phones, so this is not a problem for us, either... basically married people should not put themselves in any tempting situation...ever... I agree w/ HOOTER below me, you, or this other chick! if he texts her one more time, that's it... I'd dump him... perhaps he will see the error in it if you come down hard on him!
My husband is sending text?
It doesn't matter if he gets all mad about it! Sit him down %26amp; make him choose!! You are his wife not her
My husband is sending text?
if this girl is causing problem in your marriage, then he should be willing to cut of communication with her IF he wants to save your marriage. If this girl was a friend of his from work, why is it that he never mentioned her and you had to find out about her cause you caught the text messaging? Talk to him regardless if he gets mad, tell him that its gotta stop or he is gonna lose his wife. tell him you want your marriage back and you are not gonna let some chick ruin that.
My husband is sending text?
Try talking to him about when its not and issue, and what I mean by that is talk about when your not upset.
I will be honest, your first misstake was waiting to say something about it when you were upset, or when your guys were having your disagreement.
If you just had of simply ask him with a cool head he might not feel like he is being attacked, or accused.
when he travels do she travel with him?
I mean its a hard situation to be in, trust me I know, my wife travels alot for work and I kind of had the same issue. But you know him better than anyone esle, and if it bothers you that much ask for him to stop.
My husband is sending text?
Becasue he knows he is lying and being deceitful. Cheat on him and see how he likes it. What do the texts say? Confront her on it. Be like HOE why are you texting my husband B*TCH
My husband is sending text?
ohh great thats life nothing is perfect..
just pray b4 u act ok
My husband is sending text?
I travel all over the country for my work also. And being one of very few females in my industry I can tell you I have become close friends with several of my male Road Buddies. A few of them are married and their wives have become upset by our relationship. I of course back off as soon as they tell me. The last thing I want to do is damage a friends marriage. So I see both sides of this.
There might not be anything more than a friendship between colleagues. But the fact that it makes your uncomfortable should be enough to put an end to the texting.
If not I would be concerned.
Now on the other hand.... Traveling like I do I see things.
I will say unfortunately majority of "Road Dawgs" are not faithful. It's sad but true. Some of us are but we are the minority.
Truth is it's just too easy. There is a sense of removed reality on the road. Often we'll say "well in real life..." meaning back home in the real world. And spending 24/7 with the people you travel with it's easy for things to develop. I honestly don't think I've been on a tour with more than 2 people that hooking up hasn't occurred. Whether with each other or with road randoms.
I don't know if this helps or not. I would say the fact that he brought you out with him is a very good sign.
My husband is sending text?
He is messing around with this chick. No doubt about it. What you have to do now is catch him in the act. Don't say anything else to him about it. Instead, with the help of friends, follow him on one of those nights out or trips he takes. See what he does at night and with whom. Him getting upset every time you bring it up is a sure sign there is something going on. Don't take any of that crap from anyone. Snoop around about this girl also. She should be ashamed of herself. Maybe you should stand tall and put your foot down (or up his ***). Tell him if he doesn't straighten up your heart is telling you to move on. He needs a reality check.
My husband is sending text?
YOu have to see why it is that your husband's so called friendship with this female co-worker is more important than your feelings. You can miss and love your husband all you want, but if he does not return the same love and respect of your feelings then what are you gonna do? Men who do not give in to their wives usually feel that eventually the wife will give in and let him have his way. If you do not want him to text this female co-worker then you must stand your ground at all cost even if you miss him, otherwise your forgiving response will be what he has predicted in the first place. In other words he obviously sees you as a push over and holds no respect of the fear of ever losing you.
My husband is sending text?
If you want to save your marriage you need to talk to him. If need be, get him to a counselor, and talk. When someone starts looking for something else when they are in a relationship, it usually means they are missing something, or feel they are missing something and need to find it somewhere.
At this point there might not be anything going on閳?but if he doesn閳ユ獩 find what he is looking for at home閳?he will find it somewhere, and seeing as how this lady he is texting has a history of messing with married men閳?you need to do something.
My husband is sending text?
I've been into your situation before. 95% of the reason why husbands have affairs because their wives have neglected them sexually.....and majority of affairs happen with a co employee. They spend more time with each other than with their husband/wife. Try to put spice up your sex life. When my husband had an affair, I decided to win him back. I read books about sex. I flirted with him, enticed him. I even pretended to be a text mate and had sex with him in text (up to now, he doesn't know it was me ha!). I see to it that he has enough sex so as not to look for somewhere else. To keep the story short, I won him back and he didn't know what hit him.
My husband is sending text?
say something and take some viagra
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