Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why does my contact table not show up on myspace and comes up pure white?

When I insert the contact table code into the about me section of myspace, it comes up as pure white and covers up add me and all that..I posted the code below. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;


.contactTable { width:300px; height:150px; background-image:url("http://www.toxxic.... background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: transparent; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: center center; padding: 0px; }

.contactTable table, table.contactTable td { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; padding: 0px; }

.contactTable a img { visibility: hidden; border: 0px; }

.contactTable .text { font-size: 1px; }



Why does my contact table not show up on myspace and comes up pure white?

Sorry, I tried tweaking it, playing with it and double-checking it from the site. I couldn't get any of the contact tables to show up. You might want to try a different site. Good luck though!

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