Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why Wont My comment Box Work On Myspace!? It Keeps Saying This - Invalid Friend ID & I Had My Fr

%26lt;center%26gt;%26lt;form method="post" action="

%26lt;input name="104660707" value="104660707" type="hidden"%26gt;

%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" class="whateverlife2"%26gt;Michelle Is My Favortist Person!%26lt;/textarea%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;

%26lt;input type="submit"class="whateverlife3" value="*comment*"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

input.whateverlife3 {color: ffffff !important;


font-size:8pt !important;

width:200px !important;

height:15px !important;

font-family: 'Lucida Grande' !important;

background-color: 000000 !important;

border-color:404040 !important;

border-width:1px !important;

border-style:solid !important;

letter-spacing:0px !important;

text-transform:uppercase !important;

line-height:7px !important;

font-weight: bold !important;}



background-color:fff82f !important;

width:200px !important;

height:60px !important;

font-family: 'Lucida Grande' !important;

color: ffffff !important;

line-height:17px !important;

font-size:18px !important;

border-color:404040 !important;

border-style:solid !important;

border-width:1px !important;

letter-spacing:-2px !important;

font-weight:bold !important;


Why Wont My comment Box Work On Myspace!? It Keeps Saying This - Invalid Friend ID %26amp; I Had My Freinds Test It

I think the problem is because you put your friend ID in both input name %26amp; value. See what you did:

%26lt;input name="104660707" value="104660707" type="hidden"%26gt;

It's suppose to be:

%26lt;input name="friendID" value="FRIENDIDHERE!!!" type="hidden"%26gt;

Dont remove friendID. Just remove FRIENDIDHERE!!!


%26lt;input name="friendID" value="104660707" type="hidden"%26gt;

Hope I helped.

Why Wont My comment Box Work On Myspace!? It Keeps Saying This - Invalid Friend ID %26amp; I Had My Freinds Test It

did you remember to put your friend id in?

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